Wednesday 20 July 2011


Ken Potter writes:-

Liverpool CERSA's visit to the remains of
Liverpool's oldest enclosed wet Dock built in the early seventeen hundreds
and now situated under the new Liverpool One Shopping Centre.   As you can
see the Brick Dock Walls are in fairly good condition considering that they
are over three hundred years old.   The site is very well laid out with
viewing platforms and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Photo's from Ken

Thursday 14 July 2011

The JULY Walk

Ken Potter writes:-

Liverpool CERSA's July Walk led by Reg Armstrong around Billinge near Wigan.   It was really hot day  and when the walk was over everyone was gasping for a cool pint in the Eagle and Child a very old pub with the date 1745 over the doorway.   Photo #1 was taken by Billinge Beacon, a local landmark, at 500 feet and #519 outside Swiftotter Cottage a 18 Centuary building.